The mobile grazing unit of Latvian Fund for Nature arrives in Sigulda

A mobile grazing unit established as part of GrassLIFE project will be grazing in three semi-natural grasslands in Sigulda in 2021 – Balonu meadow, Melnie krasti and Klauku bay. Several hiking trails in Sigulda cross the pastures and hikers will be able to meet the heroes of the mobile grazing unit – cattle working tirelessly to restore the semi-natural grasslands.

A herd of seven cows will be grazing in Melnie krasti, and their calves are expected to be born during pasture time. Another herd of eight cows and three of their calves will be grazing on Balonu meadow located across the Sigulda beach. The rest of calves will be born during pasture time and the herd will be accompanied by Bo – the bull. On the foot of Paradizes and Gleznotāju hills in Klauku bay one will be able to observe another herd of ten cows and bull Asus.

The mobile grazing herd of Klauku bay will remain in their pasture throughout the summer. The Melnie krasti herd will travel to nearby meadow by Strēlnieku house both sides of Lorupīte in the middle of June. The herd of Balonu meadow will be the adventurers – in the middle of June they will be relocated to the pasture by Egļupes estuary in Gauja, and later, they will travel to Roču reserve by Zvartes iezis. They will end their season’s travels in autumn by returning to Balonu meadow. Overall, the mobile grazing herd of LFN, currently consisting of over 110 cattle, will be restoring natural meadows in 20 territories across the country, in 2021.

The grasslands in Sigulda are valued for their habitats – Fennoscandian wooded meadows in Klauku bay, Fennoscandian lowland species-rich grasslands in Melnie krasti and Semi-natural dry grasslands on calcareous substrate mixed with lowland hay meadows in Balonu meadow.

When hiking across the pastures please consider a few safety precautions:

  • When entering the pasture area please make sure to always close the gate after yourself!
  • If a dog is accompanying you, make sure that you hold it on a leash.
  • The pasture territory is enclosed by an electric fence, take that into consideration and be careful, especially with children and pets.
  • Keep a safe distance from the animals in herd, do not pet, feed or agitate them!
  • Treat the fence and other pasture infrastructure with care.

If you notice any issues with the pastures, see a damaged fence or have any other concerns, please contact Latvian Fund for Nature by calling a grazing coordinator on 29119612/67830999 or by sending an email to [email protected].

The mobile grazing concept has been established as part of project GrassLIFE “Restoring EU priority grasslands and promoting their multiple use”. The GrassLIFE project is funded by EU LIFE programme and Latvian State Regional Development Agency and implemented by The Latvian Fund for Nature in collaboration with The University of Latvia, Institute for Environmental Solutions and 12 farms across the country.




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