Madita's Roth internship story in LFN
During my internship at Latvian Fund of Nature I improved my skills plant identification and got to know a lot of plant species. I also got familiar with common scientific methods for vegetation monitoring and had some insights into how the GrassLIFE project is organized. After finishing my studies I could imagine to work in a similar organization.
I enjoyed to have varied tasks, not only doing vegetation monitoring, but also sometimes checking on the LDF`s cows, removing invasive plants or helping with the realisation of field experiments. Because we were working outside in the fields almost every day, I had the chance to experience the change of seasons in grasslands at close range. It was a joy to see how the small green plants of May came to full bloom in June and then to watch how in July the plants changed to golden colours while their seeds were ripening.

Spending time with the other interns and my colleagues has greatly enriched my time here, making the internship not only a good practical experience, but also an opportunity to find new friends and have international exchange." -
Madita Roth, Germany